Rule Summary 1st Rpt. Egr.
S1 Dangerous or unsafe robot D
S4 Robot transitively contacts anything outside field D
G1-B Team left something other than robot on the field and it can't quickly be removed D
G1-C Robot is not in its starting configuration and it can't be quickly resolved D
G1-D Bumpers are not intesecting initiation line and it can't be quickly resolved D
G1-E Robot is supporting more than three power cells at match start and it can't be quickly resolved D
G2 Tethering to robot on the field without permission Y
G6 Greater-than-momentary transitive control of more than 5 power cells at a time, per additional cell FY
G7 Intentionally ejecting power cell from field (other than through power port), per cell F
G8 Abusing power cells (e.g. using to knock opponents or obstruct opponents), per cell X
G9 Causing a power cell to cross unimpeded from their sector to opponent sector, per cell X
G10 Contact opponent while own bumpers intesect opponent target zone, trench run, or loading zone X
G11 Contact opponent while opponent bumpers intesect their target zone, trench run, or loading zone X
G12 Transitive contact with opponent control panel simultaneous with opponent when their power port is at capacity X/RP
G13 Supporting a partner robot unless their bumpers are intesecting rendezvous point. X
G16 Bumpers must be in bumper zone (exceptions for climbing during endgame) (egregious: strategic) FR
G17 Robot height exceeds ~114cm (exceptions for climbing during endgame) X
G17 Robot blocks an opponent's shot or scores a goal while its height exceeds ~114cm, per instance X
G18 Robots extending more than ~30cm beyond frame perimeter FR
G19 Intentionally leaving parts on the field R
G20 Detached bumper segment, side of frame perimeter exposed, indeterminate team number or color D
G21 Pinning for more than five seconds (resets after 2m plus 3s) F
G21 Pinning for more than ten seconds, every five seconds (resets after 2m plus 3s) X
G22 Two or more robots together isolating a major component of match play (each violation covers up to 5 seconds) X
G23 Apparently deliberate damage to, attaching to, tipping, entangling with an opponent (egregious: harm) XYXR
G24 Extension contacts inside opponent frame perimeter, per contact F
G25 Moving towards opponent and causing damaging contact inside their bumpered frame perimeter, per contact XY
G26 Disallowed field interaction (e.g. damaging power cell, attaching to carpet) (egr: more than momentary) XYY
Robots in auto
G3 Bumpers break plane of alliance's sector (egregious: each transitive contact to opponent robot) FX
Robots in end game
G14 Transitive contact with opponent entirely inside rendezvous point and not touching generator switch X
G15 A having transitive contact with B while B touching B generator switch, unless B inside A rendezvous point point H/L
G15-A Transitive contact with opponent generator switch H/L
S5 Extending body part into field (egregious: walking in, touching robots) Y
S6 Extending body part into the loading bay chute (more than momentary encroachment) F
S2 Entering field without permission or green lights (egregious: pushing past, ignoring warnings) WYR
S3 Going over guardrail instead of open gates WY
S7 Climbing on shield generator, generator switch, or control panel at any time WY
H16 Disallowed field interaction (e.g. climbing, hanging, deforming, damaging arena elements) during match X
C1 Any egregious behaviour not otherwise covered by rules YR
C2 Being uncivil WYR
C3/C4 Influencing or being influenced by annother alliance to play suboptimally WYR
C7 Significantly or repeatedly delaying match start D
C7 Significantly or repeatedly delaying next match start Y
C8 Causing annother alliance to unavoidably violate the rules FX
C10 Operating robot from outside team's player station D
G4 Contact with anything in front of starting lines during auto (except for safety), per contact F
H4 Robot operated by coach or anyone other than its team's drivers and human players D
H5 Humans going outside designated areas (alliance station, technician area) during match, per instance F
H6 Introducing power cells to field by coach or anyone other than a driver or human player, per cell F
H6 Introducing power cells to field via some path other than the loading bay, per cell F
H7 Coach touching a power cell, per cell F
H8 Interefering with automated scoring hardware (entire alliance) R
H9 Team lagging in returning 16th power cell in the alliance station to the field (per additional cell) F
H10 Team not making concerted good-will effort to store power cells on loading bay racks only FX
H13 Abusing arena access (e.g. team members with media access coaching or signaling during a match) Y
H14 Modifying, marking, cutting, standing on, or otherwise "messing with" power cells R
H15 Hitting player station plastic windows WY
Humans during auto
G5 Influencing robot or operating consoles during auto (except for safety) FY
H6 Introducing power cells to field, per cell F

W = Verbal warning; F = Foul (3); X = Technical Foul (15); D = E-stop disable; Y = Yellow card; R = Red card. The first violation has the consequence listed under "1st", and subsequent violations have the consequence listed under "Rpt", if that is not blank, or else again whatever is in the "1st" column; except that egregious violations have the consequence in the "Egr" column instead, if that is not blank.

G12 (X/RP): in qualifications, opponents are awarded the shield generator energized ranking point regardless; in playoffs, technical foul.

G15 (H/L): B is considered hanging and B generator switch considered level.

G15-A (H/L): All opponents contacting their generator switch are considered hanging with generator switch considered level.