Code Summary Type
G4 Not promptly achieving starting configuration and starting position before match D
G6 Significantly delaying match start, or delaying match start more than three times D
Autonomous Period
G15 Robot starting in white zone crossing fully beyond truss during auto F
Robot starting in goalie zone not remaining in contact with carpet in goalie zone during auto F
...and (in either case) subsequently contacting opponent robot X
G16 Human players crossing starting line during auto F
...and touching operator console X
G17 Driver wearing or holding control device connected to operator console during auto F
Human Behaviour During Matches
T6 Playing on an alliance with a robot that didn't pass inspection R
G5 Having balls not in their starting position when match started, per improperly staged ball noticed after match start X
G35 Human retrieving a ball from elsewhere than the pedestal, or from pedestal not lit in alliance colour X
Entering an inappropriately retrieved ball into the field (ball is considered debris) X
G36 Entering a ball into the field such that it crosses beyond the truss before touching a robot or the carpet on the alliance's side X
G37 Entering a ball retrieved from the pedestal into the field in a manner other than over the guardrail X
G38 Passing a ball to a human in another human player area F
G39 Intentionally, for more than ten seconds, or consequentially, contacting an area of the field outside the alliance station or human player area where the player started the match F
G42 Operating the robot when not a driver X
G34 Coach consequentially or deliberatly contacting ball, per contact F
Robot Posture and Dimensions During Matches
G18 Robot being supporting other robots for more than ten seconds time, more than three times, or strategically X
G22 Robot being more than five feet tall relative to field while not in contact with its goalie zone F
...for more than ten seconds or more than three times X
G23 Two or more robots contacting their goalie zone while more than five feet tall relative to field F
Robots extending beyond five feet high with extensions that don't fit in cylinder with six inch diameter relative to field F
...for more than ten seconds or more than three times (in either case) X
G24 Robot extending more than twenty inches beyond its frame perimeter F
...for more than ten seconds or more than three times X
G1 Entering field when player station LEDs are not green Y
G2 Climbing a field element Y
G3 Operating robot unsafely, or operating robot designed unsafely FD
G10 Robot grabbing, grasping, grappling, attaching to, damaging, or becoming entangled in field elements F
Robot damaging or becoming entangled with balls F
...and (in either case) further damange to field or balls is likely D
G11 Intentionally or repeatedly ejecting a ball from gameplay, per instance F
G19 Intentionally detaching or leaving parts on field X
G20 Bumpers extending outside bumper zone (R22), showing wrong colour (R27), or otherwise violating bumper rules D
G21 Robot extending outside field intentionally F
Robot extending outside field for more than ten seconds or more than three times X
Robot extending into safety zone F
Robot extending beyond safety zone RD
G40 Human extending a body part beyond into a bracketed safety zone space when a robot occupies that space or the adjacent space X
Human extending a body part beyond the guardrail X
G41 Human contacting a robot or a ball in contact with a robot X
Gracious Professionalism
G13 Behaving in an uncivil manner on the arena R
G14 Forcing other alliance to violate a rule (e.g. stalking, lying in wait to force a foul) X
G12 Holding opponent ball, moving while supporting opponent ball, herding (repeated pushing or bumping) of opponent ball, launching opponent ball, overtly isolating or holding one or more opponent balls against a field element or other robot; per instance F
...and consequential X
...and more than ten seconds X
...and done strategically R
G26-1 Entering the opponent's low goal for more than ten seconds or while opponent is attempting to score X
G27 Intentionally damaging, destroying, inhibiting, attaching to, tipping, entangling, repeatedly ramming, or aggressively ramming opponent robots F
...strategically X
...and egregiously Y
G28 Initiating deliberate or damaging contact within an opponent robot's frame perimeter X
G31 Humans inhibiting opponent robots X
G32 Humans deflecting opponent balls X
G25 Blockading the field X
G29 Pinning an opponent for more than five seconds X
G30 Contacting a fallen opponent robot within ten seconds of it falling over F
...intentionally X
G26 Intentionally falling down or tipping over X

F = Foul (20); X = Technical Foul (50); D = E-stop disable; Y = Yellow card; R = Red card.

Code Summary Type
G4 Not promptly achieving starting configuration and starting position before match D
G6 Significantly delaying match start, or delaying match start more than three times D
Autonomous Period
G15 Robot starting in white zone crossing fully beyond truss during auto F
Robot starting in goalie zone not remaining in contact with carpet in goalie zone during auto F
...and (in either case) subsequently contacting opponent robot X
G16 Human players crossing starting line during auto F
...and touching operator console X
G17 Driver wearing or holding control device connected to operator console during auto F
Human Behaviour During Matches
T6 Playing on an alliance with a robot that didn't pass inspection R
G5 Having balls not in their starting position when match started, per improperly staged ball noticed after match start X
G35 Human retrieving a ball from elsewhere than the pedestal, or from pedestal not lit in alliance colour X
Entering an inappropriately retrieved ball into the field (ball is considered debris) X
G36 Entering a ball into the field such that it crosses beyond the truss before touching a robot or the carpet on the alliance's side X
G37 Entering a ball retrieved from the pedestal into the field in a manner other than over the guardrail X
G38 Passing a ball to a human in another human player area F
G39 Intentionally, for more than ten seconds, or consequentially, contacting an area of the field outside the alliance station or human player area where the player started the match F
G42 Operating the robot when not a driver X
G34 Coach consequentially or deliberatly contacting ball, per contact F
Robot Posture and Dimensions During Matches
G18 Robot being supporting other robots for more than ten seconds time, more than three times, or strategically X
G22 Robot being more than five feet tall relative to field while not in contact with its goalie zone F
...for more than ten seconds or more than three times X
G23 Two or more robots contacting their goalie zone while more than five feet tall relative to field F
Robots extending beyond five feet high with extensions that don't fit in cylinder with six inch diameter relative to field F
...for more than ten seconds or more than three times (in either case) X
G24 Robot extending more than twenty inches beyond its frame perimeter F
...for more than ten seconds or more than three times X
G1 Entering field when player station LEDs are not green Y
G2 Climbing a field element Y
G3 Operating robot unsafely, or operating robot designed unsafely FD
G10 Robot grabbing, grasping, grappling, attaching to, damaging, or becoming entangled in field elements F
Robot damaging or becoming entangled with balls F
...and (in either case) further damange to field or balls is likely D
G11 Intentionally or repeatedly ejecting a ball from gameplay, per instance F
G19 Intentionally detaching or leaving parts on field X
G20 Bumpers extending outside bumper zone (R22), showing wrong colour (R27), or otherwise violating bumper rules D
G21 Robot extending outside field intentionally F
Robot extending outside field for more than ten seconds or more than three times X
Robot extending into safety zone F
Robot extending beyond safety zone RD
G40 Human extending a body part beyond into a bracketed safety zone space when a robot occupies that space or the adjacent space X
Human extending a body part beyond the guardrail X
G41 Human contacting a robot or a ball in contact with a robot X
Gracious Professionalism
G13 Behaving in an uncivil manner on the arena R
G14 Forcing other alliance to violate a rule (e.g. stalking, lying in wait to force a foul) X
G12 Holding opponent ball, moving while supporting opponent ball, herding (repeated pushing or bumping) of opponent ball, launching opponent ball, overtly isolating or holding one or more opponent balls against a field element or other robot; per instance F
...and consequential X
...and more than ten seconds X
...and done strategically R
G26-1 Entering the opponent's low goal for more than ten seconds or while opponent is attempting to score X
G27 Intentionally damaging, destroying, inhibiting, attaching to, tipping, entangling, repeatedly ramming, or aggressively ramming opponent robots F
...strategically X
...and egregiously Y
G28 Initiating deliberate or damaging contact within an opponent robot's frame perimeter X
G31 Humans inhibiting opponent robots X
G32 Humans deflecting opponent balls X
G25 Blockading the field X
G29 Pinning an opponent for more than five seconds X
G30 Contacting a fallen opponent robot within ten seconds of it falling over F
...intentionally X
G26 Intentionally falling down or tipping over X

F = Foul (20); X = Technical Foul (50); D = E-stop disable; Y = Yellow card; R = Red card.