Code Summary Type
G01 Entering field when LED strings are not green Y
G02 Climbing pyramid Y
G03 Unsafe robot operation or design FD
G04 Robot removal with no FTA or ref, or while not standing on floor, or robot not turned off Y
G05 Invalid starting position (starting config, on floor, touching pyramid) D
G06 More than 3 discs, or more than 2 discs but inside auto zone (per disc) X
G07 Repeatedly or significantly delaying match start D
G12 Contact outside field in teleop (10 seconds grace period at start if started in auto) D
G13 Intentionally leaving parts behind X
G14 Grabbing, grasping, grappling, attaching, damaging, or entangling non-pyramid field elements F
G14 Damaging or entangling pyramid F
G14 Gouging, tearing, or routinely marking discs F
G14 Further damage likely after G14 (Head Ref) D
G15 Intentionally ejecting discs from the field (per disc) F
G16 Using discs to aid climbing a pyramid X
G16 Using discs to inhibit climbing a pyramid X3
G17 Discs placed in opponent pyramid goal (per disc) X
G18 Uncivil behaviour in arena R
G18-1 Forcing opponent to break a rule X
G19 Crossing center line (no longer touching carpet on own side) in auto F
G19 Touching opponent robot if center line is crossed in auto X
G20 Stepping in front of starting line in auto, without touching console F
G20 Touching console in auto X
G21 Having devices worn by drivers connected to console during teleop F
G22 Greater that 84" robot-relative height touching own pyramid or own auto zone carpet F
G22 Greater that 60" robot-relative height when not touching own pyramid or auto zone carpet F
G23 Greater than 54" robot-relative diameter when not touching own pyramid F
G23-1 Touching own pyramid while extending more than 54" over floor from pyramid F
Continuous or repeated G22 height, G23 diameter, or G23-1 pyramid violation X
G24 Actively carrying, herding, and trapping more than 4 discs at a time (per extra disc) F
G25 Blockading X
G26 Intentionally falling over to block field X
G27 Consequentially touching opponent pyramid X
G27 While consequentially touching opponent pyramid, additionally affecting opponent climb R3
Robot-robot interaction
G28 Robot-wars tactics (e.g. destroying, damaging, tipping, or entangling other robots) XY
G29 Deliberate or damaging contact inside opponent's frame perimeter X
G30 Accidentally and harmlessly touching opponent that is touching its pyramid or its loading zone carpet F
G30 Purposefully or consequentially touching opponent that is touching its pyramid or its loading zone carpet X
G30 While touching opponent that is touching its pyramid, additionally affecting opponent climb 3
G31 Pinning for more than 5 seconds X
G32 Unintentionally touching fallen opponent during its ten-second grace period for righting itself F
G32 Intentionally touching fallen opponent during its ten-second grace period for righting itself X
G33 Repeatedly, strategically, or extensively supporting another robot when neither is touching their pyramid X
G34 Non-feeder player intentionally or consequentially touching discs F
G35 Feeding white disc into field without using feeder slots F
G35 Feeding coloured disc into field without using feeder slots or, in last 30s, over feeder station wall F
G36 Intentionally or consequentially exiting alliance station during the match F
G37 Putting limbs in the field, or contacting a robot, during the match X
G38 Non-driver operating a robot X

F = Foul.

X = Technical Foul.

D = E-stop disable.

Y = Yellow card.

R = Red card.

3 = Opposing alliance is additionally awarded points for a successful Level 3 climb.

Pinning (G31) continues until robots are separated by 6' or more for 3s, or until pinned robot chases pinning robot.

Code Summary Type
G01 Entering field when LED strings are not green Y
G02 Climbing pyramid Y
G03 Unsafe robot operation or design FD
G04 Robot removal with no FTA or ref, or while not standing on floor, or robot not turned off Y
G05 Invalid starting position (starting config, on floor, touching pyramid) D
G06 More than 3 discs, or more than 2 discs but inside auto zone (per disc) X
G07 Repeatedly or significantly delaying match start D
G12 Contact outside field in teleop (10 seconds grace period at start if started in auto) D
G13 Intentionally leaving parts behind X
G14 Grabbing, grasping, grappling, attaching, damaging, or entangling non-pyramid field elements F
G14 Damaging or entangling pyramid F
G14 Gouging, tearing, or routinely marking discs F
G14 Further damage likely after G14 (Head Ref) D
G15 Intentionally ejecting discs from the field (per disc) F
G16 Using discs to aid climbing a pyramid X
G16 Using discs to inhibit climbing a pyramid X3
G17 Discs placed in opponent pyramid goal (per disc) X
G18 Uncivil behaviour in arena R
G18-1 Forcing opponent to break a rule X
G19 Crossing center line (no longer touching carpet on own side) in auto F
G19 Touching opponent robot if center line is crossed in auto X
G20 Stepping in front of starting line in auto, without touching console F
G20 Touching console in auto X
G21 Having devices worn by drivers connected to console during teleop F
G22 Greater that 84" robot-relative height touching own pyramid or own auto zone carpet F
G22 Greater that 60" robot-relative height when not touching own pyramid or auto zone carpet F
G23 Greater than 54" robot-relative diameter when not touching own pyramid F
G23-1 Touching own pyramid while extending more than 54" over floor from pyramid F
Continuous or repeated G22 height, G23 diameter, or G23-1 pyramid violation X
G24 Actively carrying, herding, and trapping more than 4 discs at a time (per extra disc) F
G25 Blockading X
G26 Intentionally falling over to block field X
G27 Consequentially touching opponent pyramid X
G27 While consequentially touching opponent pyramid, additionally affecting opponent climb R3
Robot-robot interaction
G28 Robot-wars tactics (e.g. destroying, damaging, tipping, or entangling other robots) XY
G29 Deliberate or damaging contact inside opponent's frame perimeter X
G30 Accidentally and harmlessly touching opponent that is touching its pyramid or its loading zone carpet F
G30 Purposefully or consequentially touching opponent that is touching its pyramid or its loading zone carpet X
G30 While touching opponent that is touching its pyramid, additionally affecting opponent climb 3
G31 Pinning for more than 5 seconds X
G32 Unintentionally touching fallen opponent during its ten-second grace period for righting itself F
G32 Intentionally touching fallen opponent during its ten-second grace period for righting itself X
G33 Repeatedly, strategically, or extensively supporting another robot when neither is touching their pyramid X
G34 Non-feeder player intentionally or consequentially touching discs F
G35 Feeding white disc into field without using feeder slots F
G35 Feeding coloured disc into field without using feeder slots or, in last 30s, over feeder station wall F
G36 Intentionally or consequentially exiting alliance station during the match F
G37 Putting limbs in the field, or contacting a robot, during the match X
G38 Non-driver operating a robot X

F = Foul.

X = Technical Foul.

D = E-stop disable.

Y = Yellow card.

R = Red card.

3 = Opposing alliance is additionally awarded points for a successful Level 3 climb.

Pinning (G31) continues until robots are separated by 6' or more for 3s, or until pinned robot chases pinning robot.