Code Summary Type Signal
G07 Unsafe robot operation or design FD Flap extended arm
G34 Player body in court X -
G35 E-stop used for reason other than safety X -
G08 Contact outside court during teleop mode (ten second grace if initiated during hybrid mode) D -
G09 Intentional robot part detachment F -
G10 Grasping arena structure F -
G11 Entangling in arena element D -
G12 Damage to arena D -
G12 Damage to basketballs D -
G13 Robot intentionally placing basketballs outside the court (per ball) F -
G14 Intentionally interfering with bridges using basketballs X -
G16 Contacting carpet on alliance side during hybrid mode F Wave ∩ with outstretched arm
G20 Robot over 60" while in contact with carpet or key on alliance-station side (first and second time) F Pat head
G20 Robot over 84" while in contact with carpet or key on scoring side or on bridges (first and second time) F Pat head
G20 Robot over 60" while in contact with carpet or key on alliance-station side (third or subsequent time) X Pat head
G20 Robot over 84" while in contact with carpet or key on scoring side or on bridges (third or subsequent time) X Pat head
G20 Robot has been in continuous violation of G20 for ten straight seconds (additional call) X Count seconds then pat head
G20 A G20 violation subsequently caused a negative consequence to the opposing alliance (per consequence) X Pat head
G21 More than one appendage at a time, or one appendage more than 14" outside perimeter F -
G21 A G21 foul that was just called is the third such call in the match for that robot X -
G21 Robot has been in continuous violation of G21 for ten straight seconds since the foul was called X -
G21 A G21 violation had game consequences X -
G22 More than three basketballs controlled (per ball) F Three fingers
G24 Intentionally falling over X -
G25 Opponent bridge interference X -
G25 Interference with opposing alliance robots balancing on bridge (additional call) R -
G26 Intentional robot damage XY -
G27 Deliberate or damaging contact inside frame perimeter (isolated incident) X Touch shoulder
G27 Deliberate or damaging contact inside frame perimeter (repeated or egregious) XY Touch shoulder
G28 Contact with robot in contact with its key, alley, or bridge (incidental) F Touch side
G28 Contact with robot in contact with its key, alley, or bridge (consequential or purposeful) X Touch side
G29 Pinning up to five seconds (see footnotes) Count seconds then spread arms
G29 Pinning more than five seconds (see footnotes) X Count seconds up to five
G30 Contact with fallen robot during ten-second grace period (inadvertent) F -
G30 Contact with fallen robot during ten-second grace period (intentional) X -
G30-1 Robot repeatedly, strategically, or continually supporting another robot while neither is in contact with a bridge X -
G17 Players outside starting positions during hybrid mode F -
G33 Inbounders not returning promptly to alliance station from kinect station after hybrid mode F -
G18 Players touching basketballs during hybrid mode F -
G31 Driver or coach contacting basketball in teleop mode F -
G31 Inbounder holding more than two basketballs in teleop mode F -
G31 Inbounders not emptying corral of basketballs promptly during teleop mode F -
G32 Inbounder placing basketballs into court other than through inbound slot or over inbound station wall F -
G32 Inbounder throwing basketballs over inbound station wall before the last thirty seconds F -
G33 Inbounders entering a driving station F -
G19 Active control devices worn or held by players during hybrid mode F -
G33 Drivers and coaches not within alliance station during teleop mode F -
G36 Operation of a team's robot by players other than the team's drivers X -
T15 Egregious robot or team member behaviour Y -
G15 Uncivil behaviour R -
G45 Abusing the G44 protection against forced fouls XR -
G45 Abusing the G28 protection against contact in the key, alley, or bridge (via G44) XR -

F = Foul. Point and wave, signal if appropriate, point and wave, signal if appropriate, enter.

X = Technical Foul. Point and wave, signal if appropriate, make an X, point and wave, signal if appropriate, make an X, call head ref, enter.

D = E-stop disable. Call head ref.

Y = Yellow card. Call head ref, enter.

R = Red card. Call head ref, enter.

Robot match start conditions: 60" max height; all appendages inside frame perimeter; in contact with key; up to two balls. (G01)

Arbitrarily reposition robots aligned with aids. (G02)

Pinning (G29) continues until robots are separated by more than three feet (two robot lengths) for at least three seconds, or until pinned robot chases pinning robot.

Per G44, a team cannot force a foul unless it is a G28 foul (but see G45 in cases of abuse).