sub convertsRGBtoCIELAB { my($colour) = @_; # hashref containing, amongst others, red/green/blue 0..255 rSRGB # convert sRGB 0..255 D65 to linear sRGB 0..1 D65 my $R = convertsRGBtoLinearRGB($colour->{red}); my $G = convertsRGBtoLinearRGB($colour->{green}); my $B = convertsRGBtoLinearRGB($colour->{blue}); # convert linear sRGB 0..1 D65 to XYZ D65 # my $X = (0.4124564*$R + 0.3575761*$G + 0.1804375*$B) * 100; my $Y = (0.2126729*$R + 0.7151522*$G + 0.0721750*$B) * 100; my $Z = (0.0193339*$R + 0.1191920*$G + 0.9503041*$B) * 100; # convert XYZ to CIELAB using Illuminant D65 # # my $Xn = 95.047; my $Yn = 100.00; my $Zn = 108.883; my $L = 116 * f($Y/$Yn) - 16; my $a = 500 * (f($X/$Xn) - f($Y/$Yn)); my $b = 200 * (f($Y/$Yn) - f($Z/$Zn)); $colour->{'L*'} = $L; $colour->{'a*'} = $a; $colour->{'b*'} = $b; return $colour; } sub convertsRGBtoLinearRGB { my($component) = @_; # convert sRGB 0..255 D65 to linear sRGB 0..1 D65 # "Inverse sRGB Companding" # $component /= 255; if ($component <= 0.4045) { $component /= 12.92; } else { $component = (($component + 0.055)/1.055)**2.4; } return $component; } sub f { my($t) = @_; if ($t > (6/29)**3) { return $t**(1/3); } else { return (1/3) * ((29/6)**2) * $t + (4/29); } } sub getCIEDE2000 { my($c1, $c2) = @_; # # use POSIX "fmod"; # input my $Ls_1 = $c1->{'L*'}; my $as_1 = $c1->{'a*'}; my $bs_1 = $c1->{'b*'}; my $Ls_2 = $c2->{'L*'}; my $as_2 = $c2->{'a*'}; my $bs_2 = $c2->{'b*'}; my $Cs_1 = sqrt($as_1**2 + $bs_1**2); my $Cs_2 = sqrt($as_2**2 + $bs_2**2); my $Cbar = ($Cs_1 + $Cs_2) / 2; my $G = (1 - sqrt(($Cbar**7)/($Cbar**7+25**7)))/2; my $ap_1 = $as_1 * (1 + $G); my $ap_2 = $as_2 * (1 + $G); my $Cp_1 = sqrt($ap_1**2 + $bs_1**2); my $Cp_2 = sqrt($ap_2**2 + $bs_2**2); my $hp_1 = ($bs_1 == 0 and $ap_1 == 0) ? 0 : invtan($bs_1, $ap_1); my $hp_2 = ($bs_2 == 0 and $ap_2 == 0) ? 0 : invtan($bs_2, $ap_2); my $DLp = $Ls_2-$Ls_1; my $DCp = $Cp_2-$Cp_1; my $Dhp = $hp_2-$hp_1; if ($Dhp > 180) { $Dhp -= 360; } elsif ($Dhp < -180) { $Dhp += 360; } my $DHp = 2*sqrt($Cp_1*$Cp_2)*sin(degtorad($Dhp/2)); my $Lbarp = ($Ls_1 + $Ls_2)/2; my $Cbarp = ($Cp_1 + $Cp_2)/2; my $hbarp = ($hp_1 + $hp_2); if (abs($hp_1 - $hp_2) > 180) { # this sometimes gets triggered even if abs($hp_1 - $hp_2) seems to equal 180 # for example in test 10 of the tests in\~gsharma/ciede2000/ciede2000noteCRNA.pdf if ($hbarp < 360) { $hbarp += 360; } elsif ($hbarp >= 360) { $hbarp -= 360; } } $hbarp /= 2; my $T = 1 - 0.17 * cos(degtorad($hbarp-30)) + 0.24 * cos(degtorad(2*$hbarp)) + 0.32 * cos(degtorad(3*$hbarp+6)) - 0.20 * cos(degtorad(4*$hbarp-63)); my $Dtheta = 30 * exp(-((($hbarp - 275)/25)**2)); my $R_C = 2*sqrt(($Cbarp**7)/($Cbarp**7+25**7)); my $S_L = 1+((0.015*(($Lbarp-50)**2))/(sqrt(20+(($Lbarp-50)**2)))); my $S_C = 1+0.045*$Cbarp; my $S_H = 1+0.015*$Cbarp*$T; my $R_T = -sin(degtorad(2*$Dtheta))*$R_C; return sqrt(($DLp/$S_L)**2+($DCp/$S_C)**2+($DHp/$S_H)**2+($R_T*($DCp/$S_C)*($DHp/$S_H))); # (weighting factors set to 1.0) } sub pi () { 4 * CORE::atan2(1, 1) } sub invtan { my($y, $x) = @_; my $rads = atan2($y, $x); $rads += 2*pi if $rads < 0; return $rads * 180/pi; } sub degtorad { $_[0]*pi/180 } __END__ # for testing getCIEDE2000(): # (based on\~gsharma/ciede2000/ciede2000noteCRNA.pdf) my @data = qw( 50.0000 2.6772 -79.7751 50.0000 0.0000 -82.7485 2.0425 50.0000 3.1571 -77.2803 50.0000 0.0000 -82.7485 2.8615 50.0000 2.8361 -74.0200 50.0000 0.0000 -82.7485 3.4412 50.0000 -1.3802 -84.2814 50.0000 0.0000 -82.7485 1.0000 50.0000 -1.1848 -84.8006 50.0000 0.0000 -82.7485 1.0000 50.0000 -0.9009 -85.5211 50.0000 0.0000 -82.7485 1.0000 50.0000 0.0000 0.0000 50.0000 -1.0000 2.0000 2.3669 50.0000 -1.0000 2.0000 50.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.3669 50.0000 2.4900 -0.0010 50.0000 -2.4900 0.0009 7.1792 50.0000 2.4900 -0.0010 50.0000 -2.4900 0.0010 7.1792 50.0000 2.4900 -0.0010 50.0000 -2.4900 0.0011 7.2195 50.0000 2.4900 -0.0010 50.0000 -2.4900 0.0012 7.2195 50.0000 -0.0010 2.4900 50.0000 0.0009 -2.4900 4.8045 50.0000 -0.0010 2.4900 50.0000 0.0010 -2.4900 4.8045 50.0000 -0.0010 2.4900 50.0000 0.0011 -2.4900 4.7461 50.0000 2.5000 0.0000 50.0000 0.0000 -2.5000 4.3065 50.0000 2.5000 0.0000 73.0000 25.0000 -18.0000 27.1492 50.0000 2.5000 0.0000 61.0000 -5.0000 29.0000 22.8977 50.0000 2.5000 0.0000 56.0000 -27.0000 -3.0000 31.9030 50.0000 2.5000 0.0000 58.0000 24.0000 15.0000 19.4535 50.0000 2.5000 0.0000 50.0000 3.1736 0.5854 1.0000 50.0000 2.5000 0.0000 50.0000 3.2972 0.0000 1.0000 50.0000 2.5000 0.0000 50.0000 1.8634 0.5757 1.0000 50.0000 2.5000 0.0000 50.0000 3.2592 0.3350 1.0000 60.2574 -34.0099 36.2677 60.4626 -34.1751 39.4387 1.2644 63.0109 -31.0961 -5.8663 62.8187 -29.7946 -4.0864 1.2630 61.2901 3.7196 -5.3901 61.4292 2.2480 -4.9620 1.8731 35.0831 -44.1164 3.7933 35.0232 -40.0716 1.5901 1.8645 22.7233 20.0904 -46.6940 23.0331 14.9730 -42.5619 2.0373 36.4612 47.8580 18.3852 36.2715 50.5065 21.2231 1.4146 90.8027 -2.0831 1.4410 91.1528 -1.6435 0.0447 1.4441 90.9257 -0.5406 -0.9208 88.6381 -0.8985 -0.7239 1.5381 6.7747 -0.2908 -2.4247 5.8714 -0.0985 -2.2286 0.6377 2.0776 0.0795 -1.1350 0.9033 -0.0636 -0.5514 0.9082 ); while (@data) { my $c1 = { 'L*' => shift @data, 'a*' => shift @data, 'b*' => shift @data, }; my $c2 = { 'L*' => shift @data, 'a*' => shift @data, 'b*' => shift @data, }; my $result = common::getCIEDE2000($c1, $c2); my $expected = shift @data; print "test result: "; print $result; print "; expected: "; print $expected; if (abs($result-$expected) > 0.00005) { print "; FAIL"; } print "\n"; }