* { display: none; } html, html * { display: inline; } ====> crash
new window => clone current window
new blank window => new window, no history, on about:blank
sidebar closing/opening
click on the submenu of a menu (e.g. "New >" in File menu)
click on end of edit box does not put cursor at end
cursor not above text in edit box is not i-bar
members page => damian => text does not wrap around floating image
members page => images don't pop up
mousewheel button
enter once in textarea causes
delete on top line or so of textarea deletes first line!
backspace, enter and delete cause funny things in TEXTAREAs.
tables: borders on colgroups with spans.
Has problems with inline "file:///D:\WINDOWS\Profiles\ian\Desktop\Mozilla Problems\ea\topnav00.htm" uris
If cannot render frame, result is undefined.
[???] HR renders as a line with a bar in the middle...
treats unitless as pixels in certain situations.
ignores width on