Rendering BODY as a child of HTML - 8

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Browsers that are subjected to this test should support the the background, padding, margin, border and color properties of CSS, and in addition the overflow property and fixed position stuff from CSS2.

1. BODY is but a child... - a scrolling look again

This document should have a margin of 32px (undefined colour) followed by a 16px lime border which should contain a a scroll bar delimited area containing a 64px band of green, a 16px aqua border, a 32px teal padding, and this text should be yellow on teal.

The outer band of undefined colour and the 16px lime border should be always visible and should never be off screen. That is, the HTML element should cover exactly the viewport. It should contain the teal BODY (which should be surrounded by 64px of green).

The inner horizontal scroll bar should be disabled, but the inner vertical scroll bar should give you access to the BODY content. The outer scrol bars (around HTML) should either be disabled (if the viewport is defined as overflow:scroll) or non-existent (in the more common case of the viewport being defined (even if implicitly) as overflow:auto).

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Last updated in February 1999.