Bronze RPG ========== Define a series of skills. Before doing something, you can determine whether something will be trivial, some work, or challenging. If you decide to do it, if your skill is less than the difficulty by a little then you fail in a world changing way, if it's less than the difficulty by a lot then you fail catastrophically, if you succeed then you go on to the next challenge. Goals: * No randomness, either you will succeed or you will not, though you may not know which ahead of time. * Character progression. * Primarily roleplaying, minimal ruleset. * World heavily influenced by players. Magic System ============ All magics are represented as a 32 bit number. Bits: Trigger in response to: - saying it out loud (invokation) - contact with air - ... Range: Touch, 3cm, 3m, 30m, 300m, 3km, 30km, 300km The magics have an intrinsic color and an intrinsic name and an intrinsic mana cost derived from their number. Saying the spell's name while thinking of a person who will control the spell is considered an invokation attempt. All casters within the range of the spell saying a spell in unison while thinking of the same person to control the spell are considered to be casting the same spell. If it's a ranged spell, the person who was thought of will be the one who controls the spell. When a spell invokation is attempted, if the person who will control the spell is one of the casters, then one point is taken from each spell caster in turn, skipping past any with no mana left, until either they are all out of mana or the entire cost has been taken. If not enough mana could be taken, then all the casters are left at zero mana and the spell doesn't get invoked. Otherwise, the spell is invoked: If a spell triggers on invokation, then the person who controls the spell immediately gets control of the spell and the spell fires, under their control. Otherwise, the spell is invoked but doesn't do anything. The person who controls the spell must immediately direct the spell into a liquid or else the spell will have no effect. The liquid, however much is provided, will equal that spell, so long as at least 10ml is provided. Liquids can be dried and turned into powders. Powders put into liquids turns them into liquids again. Powders can be mixed into metals or other solids. If a liquid, powder, or other object containing a spell is split, there is still only one spell, it just happens to be spread along a lot of stuff. When it triggers, all the parts trigger together. Mixing liquids turns them into a new liquid representing the one spell that is the bitwise and of all the spells, with a corresponding mana release equal to the mana cost of the bitwise and of all the spells bitwise xored with the bitwise or of all the spells in the form of a fireball, exact mapping TBD. Mixing two powders A and B while willing mana into it equal or greater than the mana cost of A xor B turns them into a new powder equal to A or B. Mixing more than two powders and willing any mana into them causes them all to immediately blow up and turn into a powder equal to the spell with no bits set, while corresponding mana release equal to the bitwise or of all the spells involved in the form of a fireball, with the same mapping as above. Spells mixed into metals or other solids become immutable. Leaving a liquid spell to collect heat below boiling causes it to slowly evaporate. Heating a liquid spell above boiling for five minutes causes a bitwise left shift. The liquid does not dry in the process. Burning a powder spell for an hour causes a bitwise right shift and the least significant 1 bit to be set to 0, with no mana cost.