-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The public at large is tactless and blunt. When they're in a small group, people will tend to be polite, but when they have the protective barrier of the crowd, people become very direct and won't hesitate to rudely point out flaws in anything from a comic strip to the latest foreign policy. We can use this to our advantage to improve the quality of our specs. By having a truly open working group, we can get continuous feedback from a broad range of enthusiasts, and regular reality checks from the wisdom of the crowd. If your spec is a useless pile of junk, people will either ignore you or bluntly tell you -- and you'll know you have to stop and reevaluate your problem or target market, and probably change direction, before you have too much momentum and before having spent millions of dollars on a flawed premise. On the other hand, if your specification is useful, people will be enthusiastic, and will review it, advocate it, help write tests, write test implementations, document it, and more. What's a truly open working group? It's actually a community. You have to run your specification like a fully fledged open project, with a single coherent community. You can't run it like a traditional W3C working group and have the same sense of community, and without the sense of community, you don't get the benefits. That means treating everyone with respect, and being tough on people who troll or aren't friendly. For example, it means baning someone for a week if they ignore a request to be more polite. It means trusting your community: give everyone wiki access and blog posting access. Let anyone be a member of your community, even if they're new. Foster a mindset of "ask for forgiveness, not permission". Take risks. Have an open wiki, an open blog, an open IRC channel, an open forum, open mailing lists for spec discussion, for implementors, for authors. Have a FAQ anyone can contribute to. For each of these, have someone who is responsible for keeping the spammers out, for responding to requests from other members of the community, etc. A key part in all this is not distinguishing corporate participation from individual participation. You can't have a private W3C member-only mailing list. You can't have working group meetings which are only attended by a small subset of members -- in fact, any face-to-face meetings you have will probably have to be informal meetings, or very small focused sessions (e.g. 2 or 3 people working on one issue). You can't have teleconferences, since having an entire community on a phone call simply doesn't work. Doing all this actually turns out to not be that much work, especially when compared to the overhead of working in the W3C. Much of the infrastructure can be hosted on cheap hosting providers and farmed out to members of the community for maintenance; for example the WHATWG site, along with most of its infrastructure, is hosted on Dreamhost for just $6 a month (which I personally pay out of pocket); and the various services -- blog, forums, etc -- are managed by volunteers. (This turns out to be at least as reliable as being hosted by the W3C, with much less administrative overhead!) The only danger is that you won't be quite open enough. If you don't go all the way, if there's any aspect of your community that isn't completely open, or if there's anything where you don't trust the community as a whole, you will end up with a disfunctional group. If you have a blog but only you can post to it, or if you have an issue tracking system but not everyone can contribute to it, or if you have teleconferences where you make decisions instead of doing everything in the open (meeting minutes don't feel open when you have a community for some reason), people in the community will feel disenfranchised, and they will quickly turn on you. There are certain differences you have to be aware of if you decide to go this route. One is that assuming you work is important, you will get a _lot_ of feedback, possibly far more than you expected. For example, we have over 3000 open issues on the HTML5 work. That's a good thing if you want a high-quality spec, but if you want a mediocre spec and not to spend much time on it, then you'll be overwhelmed. You also have to be aware that you can't play any dirty tricks. If you try to play process shenanigans in the W3C, you'll have a few W3C members annoyed at you. If you try to play process shenanigans in public, you'll have an entire community turn on you, and they _can_ sink your ship if they want to. Don't underestimate the power of the crowds. So in conclusion: if your goals are noble and honest, and you truly want a high quality set of specifications, I strongly recommend using a community-based development model. It's hard to go wrong if you trust the wisdom of the crowds. But you can't do this half-heartedly. Half open is worse than not open at all. --------------------------------------------------------------------------